
Seventeen Bowls Of Love Gallery

This post is full and long. It contains the photos of the Kairos compassion project I told you about a few weeks ago. One bowl has sold, leaving you with a selection of sixteen to choose from. These works of art are available for a $20.00 minimum donation/each to Sharenet Food Bank. If you would like to acquire one or more of these beautiful pieces just send a check made out to Sharenet Food Bank.
Send me an email jbquiltmeister@comcast.net for my address, when your check is on the way I will set aside your requested bowl.
Enjoy the gallery!

Bowl #1

Bowl #2

Bowl #3

Bowl #4

Bowl #5

Bowl #6

Bowl #7 (has a home)

Bowl #8

Bowl #9

Bowl #10

Bowl #11

Bowl #12 (has a home)

Bowl #13

Bowl #14

Bowl #15

Bowl #16


Cindy said...

Bff wants #12!

Faith said...

My fav would have to be Bowl 5. Very italian.

Never fear, Moleskine magic is here. I have taken the liberty to hunt down the website you need to get what you need for your mission of organization. I'm good, I know. Copy and paste this addy into your web browser, enter credit card info, and press "BUY". Your life will never be the same.

May the force be with you.
