
Merry Christmas

2:13 in the Gospel of Luke:  …vast heavenly army appeared…

A bit further in 2:32 records Simeon’s prophecy declaring some obscenely harsh things: …a light, for revelation to the Gentiles, and for glory to your people Israel

Simeon also addresses Mary directly and asks her to listen carefully.  2:34 This child is destined to be the cause of the falling and rising of many in Israel and to be a sign that will be rejected.  Indeed as a result of him the thoughts of many hearts will be revealed-and a sword will pierce your own soul as well.

It is one thing to marvel at being impregnated by the power of God Almighty, but quite another to be told that the life God went to the trouble to historically place in your womb without any sex involved, is going to be rejected…not to mention that the pain surrounding his life is going to be intense for the world.  Wait there is more.  Your soul is going to be pierced with pain…you the one who was “chosen” to bring this revelation forth for humanity. 

Ha, those are words that could slam a new mother right into postpartum depression for sure!

I long to know what Mary’s thoughts were, what her verbalizations were, even if only between her and God.  I can not help but wonder what it was that God granted her in the way of spiritual gifts that could sustain such a calling. 

Mary thank you for your obedience…for the encouragement your faithful following of God infuses to me some 2000 plus years later.  I have been awake since 3:30 am thinking about you and your life and your mothering and your walk.  You inspire me to pray for my adult children, begging our King for their lives to encounter the ongoing conviction of your swaddled, soul piercing. sword of truth. revelation of God.


1 comment:

Vonnie said...

Sweet post my friend. A side of Christmas I don't often think about.