
Woe to me..

…which for lack of a better word translates-- whining!  The focus here is on the act of going to God verbally, which to me means out loud, with my people/place/thing beefs. 

Interestingly, a few months ago I was invited to share at a MOPS meeting at my church.  The topic God helped me scratch out for them dealt with the passion I feel toward learning how to freely do what I call a thrown whine.  Don’t worry; I am not going to share the speech…not today anyway.  lol 
I shared with them that I believe the earlier this practice is ingrained in the life of a Christ following mom, the less deconstruction she will partake in.  Oh that I had I learned much earlier than I have, the thrown whine!

My Psalm 120~ 
*at the end of each two day stint on each psalm, Miss Beth asks me to write out my own rendition of that psalm

In my emotional places I throw a Hissie Fit before God,
waiting to breath in His answer:
“Deliver me from everything that hinders truth
in my life, expose the sweet smiles that lie
even if they are my own.”

You promise to punish liars...keep me from forgetting this!!

I am doomed to live in a world that despises you
having no longing for peace...it keeps on warring.


Cindy said...

Clever way to use those pics. :)

Vonnie said...

"Thrown Whine"?? hmmm will have to ask you about this one. Interesting post sweetie.