
Year End Musings

Good Bye 2008...it's been nice knowin ya!
I hope you enjoy new beginings like I do...the freshness of a new year ahead always inspires me. I enjoy wondering of the surprises it will hold, both joyous and sorrowful.
2008 held many of both for me.
Some fired me with strength and faith I had no idea I was capable of.
Tonight Fairborn Guy and I will be celebrating with friends in traditional fashion. Though not at our home, which has been the tradition for us since the Eve of 2002's New Year, when friends helped us move into our
Jefferson Beach Abode.
Here are some snapshots from those former gatherings.
Last Year

The Year Before

The Year Before That

Two Years Before That

If I could find the pics of move in day, they would come next...darn, I could not locate them ~ sorry Miss Cindy. :)
With my heart full of fond, as well as harsh, memories of this past year I can say wholeheartedly--I am a very blessed woman!...I saw God in new and deeper ways than perhaps ever before.
Praying for you all, as well as myself:
God Bless your 2009 with even more revelations of Himself than last!


Seventeen Bowls Of Love Gallery

This post is full and long. It contains the photos of the Kairos compassion project I told you about a few weeks ago. One bowl has sold, leaving you with a selection of sixteen to choose from. These works of art are available for a $20.00 minimum donation/each to Sharenet Food Bank. If you would like to acquire one or more of these beautiful pieces just send a check made out to Sharenet Food Bank.
Send me an email jbquiltmeister@comcast.net for my address, when your check is on the way I will set aside your requested bowl.
Enjoy the gallery!

Bowl #1

Bowl #2

Bowl #3

Bowl #4

Bowl #5

Bowl #6

Bowl #7 (has a home)

Bowl #8

Bowl #9

Bowl #10

Bowl #11

Bowl #12 (has a home)

Bowl #13

Bowl #14

Bowl #15

Bowl #16