
Trio Thursday

Lunching with my daughters is a luxury very rarely experienced. Mostly due to work schedules. That's Peanut in the pink and Snickerdoodle in the blue. Wonder if their childhood nicknames will remain natural for me to say as the years pass? I am guessing they will.

Two daughters different as could be in personality, though both, always game for dining or shopping. :)

We three, very much enjoyed this sunshiny day last week with wonderful food at Monica's Waterfront Bakery in Old Town Silverdale.

Hint Hint girls...a threesome lunch date would make a great Mother's Day gift...never too early to plan!


Anonymous said...

That Monica's is a fun place.
Anytime you care to "hang" with
more "mature" folk.. :-) let
me know.
The daughter's are adorable, enjoy
every minute of being with them
for any occation.I'm sure their
nicks will always stick.
Hugs, Junnee'

jennyonthespot said...

Aw... those are sweet pictures! What a treat for all of you!